Erasmus project card | Erasmus
Erasmus project card | Erasmus : Erasmus project card | Erasmus Project Title The youth orientations and the European environment Project Coordinator IHNILATES TOU FOTOS Project Information 2020-1-EL02-KA105-005539 Jul 1, 2020 -Jun 30, 2022 34,050 EUR Modern Gençlik Akademisi Dernegi (TR) , Network for European Citizenship and Identity (CY) , ASOCIATIA SCOUT SOCIETY (RO) , Akademija za razvoj mladih (SI) , Sredno uchilishte "Sveti Paisiy Hilendarski" (BG) , ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE EUFEMIA APS (IT) , Asociación Alternativa Ambiental (ES) , SDRUZENIE AKTIVNO BALGARSKO OBSHTESTVO (BG) Inclusion - equity ; Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment Project Summary Objectives The project is a response to a structured reflection on an agenda that young people have set out to address in their day-to-day reflection on issues of rehabilitation, integration, dynamic placement in a European en...