Non formal education has got rising impact on young people all across Europe. European Union is supporting different forms of non-formal education, and includes it in its policies and structures. At the same time, this sector is not fully regulated, and formal approaches to professionalization of education and development ofnon-formal education staff are uncommon and limited.
How to become a trainer? Who issues the certificates? What is the difference between junior and senior trainer? How to ensure quality of delivered trainer’s work? There are any questions and issues for a debate so that it why we have started with Training of Trainers and Active Leaders - the projectwhich is complex and includes 3 mobility activities: TOTAL Basic, TOTAL Advance and TOTAL Lab.

                Training of Trainers and Active Leaders – TOTAL Basicwas organised by TDM2000 Polska and took place from 12th to 19th of September 2016 in Krzyżowa, Poland and equipped 35 young leaders, youth workers and junior trainers coming from partner organisations from Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Malta, Cyprus, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Spain, Greece, United Kingdom and Italy with new experience and provided them with an opportunity to professional development and space to contribute to quality of youth work in Europe.

Main aims and objectives which were achieved during the Training are:
·         to empower involved organisations to implement non-formal education activities in their local communities and on national and European level;
·         Professional development of trainers and youth workers, starting from basic skills, through development of training modules, training strategies, to improvement of youth work and training.
·         to prepare participants for individual work as junior trainers and together with other trainers within their organisation, and prepare follow up activities;

Participants of TOTAL Basic developed innovative training methods; used creative tools, available resources, and new skills necessary in youth work. They are in process of local follow up activities after the Training Course as a part of results’ dissemination. New generation of European trainers and TOTAL Pool of trainers has been created and established in order to plan future project ideas which will be developed and implemented locally and internationally with collaboration of all partner organisations.

The Project is funded by Polish National Agency within Erasmus+ Programme, organised by TDM2000 Polska.

Partner organisations of the project Training of Trainers and Active Leaders:

Centarzamejdunarodnamladejkadeinost – IYAC – Bulgaria
ASHA Foundation – United Kingdom
Fingerprints – Malta
Network for European Citizenship and Identity – NECI – Cyprus
CET Platform – Croatia
MladaSered – Slovakia
AssociaçãoRecreativa e Cultural Universitária do Minho – Portugal
TDM 2000 – Italy
UrbanoOpshtestvo – FYROM
Go Europe – Spain
VsIInovacijubiuras – Lithuania
AsociatiaSUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) – Romania
Development Initiatives for a Common Europe – DICE – Czech Republic
TDM 2000 Polska - Poland


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