
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Οκτώβριος, 2016


http://total.org.pl/basic/trainer-without-training-resources-is-like-a-library-without-books/ Non formal education has got rising impact on young people all across Europe. European Union is supporting different forms of non-formal education, and includes it in its policies and structures. At th e same time, this sector is not fully regulated, and formal approaches to professionalization of education and development ofnon-formal education staff are uncommon and limited. How to become a trainer? Who issues the certificates? What is the difference between junior and senior trainer? How to ensure quality of delivered trainer’s work? There are any questions and issues for a debate so that it why we have started with Training of Trainers and Active Leaders - the projectwhich is complex and includes 3 mobility activities: TOTAL Basic, TOTAL Advance and TOTAL Lab.                 Training of Trainers and Active ...

