
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2016


http://total.org.pl/basic/trainer-without-training-resources-is-like-a-library-without-books/ Non formal education has got rising impact on young people all across Europe. European Union is supporting different forms of non-formal education, and includes it in its policies and structures. At th e same time, this sector is not fully regulated, and formal approaches to professionalization of education and development ofnon-formal education staff are uncommon and limited. How to become a trainer? Who issues the certificates? What is the difference between junior and senior trainer? How to ensure quality of delivered trainer’s work? There are any questions and issues for a debate so that it why we have started with Training of Trainers and Active Leaders - the projectwhich is complex and includes 3 mobility activities: TOTAL Basic, TOTAL Advance and TOTAL Lab.                 Training of Trainers and Active ...


Summary of The DEM Presentation The presentation was held on 30 th January 2016 and on 31 st January 2016 in Thessaloniki. The place was given by the organization SOPSI with whom we cooperate lately. As target group, we chose social workers as we have many volunteers who represent this group. Ten people participated. On 30 th January we presented the theoretical part of DEM in an interactive way ( by writing down the basic things on big papers) and we showed to the target group some scenes from movies which included stories with disabled.. The second day ( 31 st January) we did the activities which DEM suggests and we added some role playing e.g. we closed the eyes of participants in order to feel like blind people in order   to gain a little empathy. The participants were also separated in groups and they wrote down their opinion about different kind of disabilities and then they presented their opinions to others. In addition, we discussed about the problems in fami...