
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Σεπτέμβριος, 2015

Integration throught learning

ERASMUS PLUS (KA-2) INTERNATIONAL STARATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROJECT FOR INTEGRATION OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS INTO BUSINESS WORLD AND SOCIAL LIFE PROCEEDS SUCCESSFULLY “DISABLED ETHICS MODULE” AIMING AT RAISING AWAWRENESS ON ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOURS TOWARDS THE DISABLED PLANNED TO HAVE BEEN REALIZED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT WAS PEREPARED IN 7 LANGUAGES The project is implemented by seven institutions in international cooperation with participation of institutions of the disabled within the framework of “Nothing about disabled people without disabled people” motto which is one of the EU principles, within the scope of Corporate Social Responsibility. Activities within “Integration of People with Disabilities through Learning” (N 2014-ESO-1-KA204-004715) titled multi-partnered KA-2 Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Project supported by European Union are in progress, and details related to the project and its activities can be summarized as follows:   WHY IS IMPLEMENTA...