
c ontext:
The NGO’s work require constant knowledge of their objective groups, but also promotion in the communication channels of the society’s problems with which they are dealing, thus organizing press-conferences, round tables, workshops, debates and all types of events, makes it an essential part of the activity of all NGOs. We can also say that the activity of the organizations is measured through the number of the events organized by them or to which they attended during a year.
The events are extremely important elements in the construction of a brand or fundraising, where small scale events have been the basis for decades. Successful events depend on having the necessary abilities and the know-how regarding what works, having the adequate resources to plan and manage it, know how to promote an event in an efficient way to the targeted audience.
  • Increase the abilities and knowledge about event managing
  • Developing the following competences: social, intercultural, civic, linguistic, learning to learn and taking initiative
  • Understanding the role of events in the development and marketing strategy of NGOs
  • Increasing the knowledge about Erasmus+, its opportunities and the values of the European Union
  • Increase the ability to understand and use foreign languages
  • Create at least 6 plans for events to promote Erasmus+ among the youngsters from Tenerife, which would be in the future implemented on the island
Period: 01.05.2015 – 01.01.2016
Location: Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
Direct Beneficiaries: 28 youth workers from Spain, Algeria, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Malta, and Greece
Training course, 25.10.2015 – 01.11.2015, that will help the participants in developing competences and abilities in the area of coordinating, planning, organizing and implementing events.
ajec_algeriaAssociation des Jeunes pour l’Environnement et la Culture (A.J.E.C)
egyptSocial Association for Media Profession
genista_maltaGenista Research Organisation
jyif_jordanJORDAN Youth Innovation Forum
yeast_italyY.E.A.S.T. Youth Europe Around Sustainability Tables


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