"Integration of People with Disabilities through Learning

Strategical Partnership "Integration of People with Disabilities through Learning”
The Report on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (2010/2272(INI)) declares the inclusion of the 80 million people with disabilities (PwD) in the European Union (constituting 16% of its population) being of utmost importance. Effective social inclusion of PwD offers a unique opportunity for meeting Europe's future workforce needs. According to this Report, special measures should be taken to promote successful integration of disabled people into the labour market, including enabling disabled people and disability-led organisations to be involved at all levels in the development, running and evaluation of vocational education programmes and trainings for disabled people; removing the attitudinal, policy and physical barriers; disseminating best practice information to responsible bodies in the field of disability: innovative practices, knowledge and experience gained from the project will be disseminated to the responsible bodies in the field of disability by organizing some briefing meetings in the project participants` communities. The Strategical Partnership "Integration of People with Disabilities through Learning" will be focused on the active measures of the cooperation between higher educational establishments, vocational training centres and NGOs of people with disabilities with the aim of elaborating of innovative tools and methodologies to provide inclusion of people with disabilities, especially,young people, into educational and labour communities. Thus, its overall objectives are to share expertise and best practices in the area of social and labour inclusion of PwD; to develop a module on disability ethics (DEM) to be introduced into the program of teacher training educational establishments that will cover issues related to impairments, access needs and other topics that are of particular relevance to students with disabilities; to elaborate a programme of the training course aiming to increase employability of young disabled persons; to produce recommendations for NGOs on organizing campaigns, including open door days, round tables and training to increase the awareness of mainstream employment companies and thus promote labour integration of disabled people; to disseminate the project findings to disabled people, their organisations, professionals and government representatives involved in vocational education and employment initiatives in the project participants’ countries.
Each partner will contribute to the project its specific competence and experience in different areas related to social and labour inclusion of PwD. The partnership has been formed by organizations with different educational expertise and social background which will bring about diversity of approaches and experiences: it is made up by three associations - an association of parents of children with disabilities Sillogos Goneon " Elpida"from Greece, a non-profit association of PwD APEIRONS from Latvia, a federation of associations of PwD MestralCocemfe from Spain; three universities - a private university Instituto dei Sordi di Torino specialized in integration of people with hearing impairments from Italy, a high school of health Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu I Nauk oZdrowiu from Poland, a public Adiyaman University from Turkey; and a social foundation FOPSIM from Malta, which provides a good balance between organizations which have first-hand understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, educational establishments providing training courses for and about people with disabilities, and a social enterprise which has an extensive practical experience related to labour inclusion of PwD.
Taking into account that the main aim of the program is social and labour integration of people with disabilities through education and training, and that the project involves trainings of University professionals and educators from social organizations working for people with disabilities, the impact of the project implementation will have several levels according to each of the groups involved:
• Impact on people with disability: an access to a quality training appropriate to their abilities, disability, and needs to be able to be integrated into mainstream society. A specific group of disabled members (women, young people in search of the first job) will get the opportunity to apply for a job suited specific characteristics of a person with disability.
• Impact on students, future-to be-teachers: more information and awareness about the needs of the disadvantaged group, members of which, for various reasons, were unable to access to nonformal
and formal training and, therefore, their chances to obtain professional skills have been greatly diminished.
• Impact on educational establishments involved (both Universities as providers of formal trainings and civil society organizations as providers of non-formal trainings): the possibility to offer to people with disabilities training courses designed to increase their chances of employment and social integration and, therefore, to improve their quality of life.
• Impact on mainstream and sheltered labour market enterprises: more information and awareness about the needs of the target in order to adapt the working plans of the enterprise to involvement of employees with disabilities.
• Impact on public bodies: more information and awareness about the target group needs in order to use it while preparing strategical plans of development of local, autonomous, and national communities.
• Impact on partner organizations: more information about legislation concerning social and labour integration of PwD in the advanced countries, better coordination between organizations with different objectives, structures, and functioning, as well as establishment of multidisciplinary
working teams setting up common goals at international level.
All the project results and intellectual outputs will be published in the open format on the project website without any need of registered access and will be open to everybody who is interested in the topic. Besides, the project results and outputs will be uploaded onto the platforms that the European Commission and national governments put at our disposal, provided that the principle of universal and unrestricted disclosure is met.
The project has been developed taken into consideration the common needs of partnership members to develop the above-mentioned outputs in order to have effective and innovative tools to achieve the objectives of partner organizations: improve services provided or launch new services directed to social and labour inclusion of people with disabilities. Therefore, each project partner is eager to maintain the activities started during the project implementation and to apply the project intellectual outputs in their programmes. Also, we will involve more participants into regular activities of partner organizations using the tools and materials developed within the project.
After the end of this project, the project partners will keep in touch through regular videoconferences
and emails to discuss the progress of project outputs implementation, provide recommendations on application of project working materials, and develop new ideas for future international projects in order to improve the quality of the provided services.


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